The power of persuasion has an art to it—especially when it’s done over the phone. As an insurance advisor, you’ll likely be selling insurance plans, which is a role that requires excellent communication skills. You’ll spend plenty of time talking with people via telephone, or even find yourself employed at a call center. That’s why it’s important to keep certain communication tips in mind while talking on the phone.
No matter what your individual approach is, selling insurance plans to customers over the phone requires certain techniques at all times to ensure the best possible chance of a successful sale. Here are three tips insurance advisor diploma graduates can use for effective phone communication.
1. Stay Positive at All Times, Even When The Other Person Isn’t
One of the more basic aspects of phone communication in any context is the need to maintain a positive demeanour and tone. This includes being enthusiastic and attentive to any questions and concerns the other person might have. You might not always get the most cooperative customers, but sounding personable, natural and engaging can help you make the situation easier and more pleasant for both you and the customer. It goes without saying that few people will be keen on buying insurance plans if you sound negative or indifferent over the phone. The more positive and cheerful you sound, the higher the odds are that your phone exchanges in your career will be fruitful.
2. Communicate Clearly
On top of maintaining a positive tone while speaking, what can really help push you forward in your journey after getting your insurance agent training diploma is having a way with words. Speak clearly while enunciating, and don’t mumble or use language full of industry-specific jargon. Additionally, be sure not to talk too fast or give the customer an overwhelming amount of information at once.
Similarly, make sure you’re speaking to the other person with confidence. To do that, pay attention to your tone of voice, timbre and how fast you’re talking to them. Customer service skills and verbal communication in business are things you’ll learn during your insurance agent diploma training, which can help you build up your confidence when communicating with customers.

Effective phone communication as an insurance advisor requires speaking clearly
3. Listen to Customers’ Needs and Wants and Be Attentive to Them
This is probably the most crucial part of closing a sale successfully. It goes without saying that every customer looking to buy insurance plans will have unique needs and wants. Your insurance advisor diploma can help you read clients and assess their buying motives, and to do that you will need to listen carefully to what they are telling you. Be sure to provide support and ask questions and listen to any inquiries they might have. At the end of the call, ask if there’s anything else you can help with, or if they have any other questions. Remember that the objective is to leave the customer feeling satisfied with the experience of speaking to you, and confident about the investment they’ve hopefully made.
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