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Alberta Campus Locations

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(NEW) Calgary Northeast Campus

7555 Falconridge Blvd NE
Calgary, Alberta T3J 0C9

Phone: (403) 569-8973


Calgary Central Campus

#210, 815 – 10th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0B4
Phone: (403) 252-8973

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Edmonton South Campus

5650-23 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6L 6N2
Phone: (780) 433-7284

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Edmonton West Campus

17718-64th Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5T 4J5
Phone: (780) 496-9428

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Red Deer Campus

#240, 4311-54 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 4L9
Phone: (403) 347-6676

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Medicine Hat Campus

#115, 3030 – 13th Ave
Medicine Hat, AB T1B 1E3
Phone: (403) 526-5833

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Refunds & Tuition Policies


Courses are presented with all of the necessary materials included. All fees are payable to Academy of Learning Career College and may be in the form of cheque, Visa, MasterCard, or cash (as accepted by your local college).

The total tuition fees are due and payable by the start date unless specific arrangements have been with the college and recorded on a student’s contract.

If the student is being sponsored, the college requires a letter of authorization. Academic credit is not given until all financial obligations have been met.

Once the contract is signed, the student may be asked to pay a registration fee of no more than $500.

When the student starts their training program, this amount is applied to their tuition. Private colleges are not able to start collecting tuition from students until their program start date.

Transfer Policy

Students must complete their program of study at the college identified on their contract.

If a student wishes to transfer to another Academy of Learning Career College, they must request this in writing from their originating college well in advance.

Transfers will only be considered if the student is in good standing and is at the sole discretion of the College Director of the college location to which the student wants to transfer.

Academy of Learning Career College cannot guarantee that a transfer will be made. This policy is subject to approval from the student’s funding agency and space availability at the college to which the student wants to transfer.

Enrolment contracts are not transferable from one student to another.


Section 17 of the Private Vocational Training Regulation specifies the maximum amount of tuition that a private career college can retain when a student contract is terminated.
Regardless of the funding source, the licensed program provider cannot accept more tuition than allowed, but can accept a lesser amount. According to Section 21 of the regulation, tuition refunds must be paid:
to the party that paid the tuition fee
within 30 days of termination of the student contract, or the time period specified by AOLCC

Refunds are eligible if the:
Students cancels their contract within 4 days of signing it

Academy of Learning Career College terminates the contract before training begins
Program doesn’t start on the date scheduled in the contract
(1) If a student contract is terminated after the vocational training begins, the licensee is entitled to the following amounts of the tuition fees:
(a) when 10% or less of the vocational training has been provided, 25% of the tuition fees;
(b) when more than 10% but 50% or less of the vocational training has been provided, 60% of the tuition fees;
(c) when more than 50% of the vocational training has been provided, 100% of the tuition fees.
For more information and how to be an informed student, go to:

Dispute Resolution Policy

Academy of Learning:registered: Career College strives to provide you with the highest quality training available.

Our staff have been carefully selected and trained to provide a professional, caring environment. Should we fall short of our goals, we want you to let us know.

Our staff is available to review and discuss any concerns you have and are ready to provide you with assistance.

The Dispute Resolution is designed to provide students with two processes, Informal and Formal, to resolve concerns.

Students are encouraged to address any concerns immediately with the staff member involved.

Privacy Policy

Academy of Learning:registered: Career College is committed to, and accountable for, the protection and proper use of personal information. Our commitment extends to meeting or exceeding all legislated requirements related to personal information.

“Personal information” is personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, e-mail address, Social Insurance identification, birth date and gender. Personal information is collected when you choose to provide it to us when enrolling for training, requesting information from an Academy of Learning:registered:

Career College school on training, or attending an Academy of Learning:registered: Career College school to obtain information. Business contact information such as the name, title, business address, e-mail address or telephone number of a business or professional persona or an employee of an organization is not considered personal information.

Access for Personal Information

For access to your personal information, please contact the Campus Director. Your request must be in writing, and should include enough identifying information, so that we can expeditiously locate your personal information.
Change of Address and/or Personal Data

It is important that information in your file is accurate and current. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes in name, address, telephone number or other important information.

Information on Support

In addition of information listed above, the following acts of misconduct will not be tolerated:

1. Academic fraud – It could be deemed as any action or deed, performed alone or with others, for the unfair advantage or benefit of themselves or others, or use of any word or phrase that could be construed as fraud, including:
Alteration of records
Cheating – use of any means of aid not expressly permitted during examinations, which include, but not limited to, talking to fellow students during an exam, unauthorized use of internet and/or cellular conversations, possession (either physically or electronically) of another student’s exam and/or course answer sheets
Copying for the purpose of providing advantage for yourself or another student
Dishonesty, including but not limited to:
Computer piracy – copying software, copyright infringement, and unauthorized computer entry
Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any Academy of Learning:registered: Career College document, record or instrument of identification, or
Giving false/inaccurate information, either before or after enrollment, to any official, Learning Coach, Instructor, or Campus staff member,

2. Plagiarism: the act of representing someone else’s work as your own, which includes, but is not limited to,
Misrepresentation of homework, written papers, exams, lab assignments, published work, circuit designs, software, etc.
Reproduction of Academy of Learning:registered: Career College courseware
Theft or solicitation of another student’s assignments or papers, grade books, un-administered tests, or other academic work/material
Unapproved collaboration: the act of two or more students working jointly on any assignment when this act has not been permitted by the Learning Coach or Instructor. This includes, but is not limited to, homework, papers completed outside of class hours, in-class assignments, lab exercises or reports. Collaboration also includes writing an assignment or paper for another student.

3. Poor Financial Standing – where a student has outstanding tuition and/or fees owing, and has not addressed or made restitution within 7 days or receiving written notification from the Campus

4. Harassment or Discrimination – the college will not allow harassment or discrimination of any kind towards any staff member, student, or visitor to the college. This include, but not limited to:
Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, including but not limited to, sexual harassment, coercion and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person, staff or student
Bullying, including sexual harassment (includes accessing, displaying, downloading, and installing pornographic material from the Internet and/or personal media)
Expressions of discrimination, bias, or racism, including jokes of a stereotyping nature
Use of profane language, rowdiness, fighting or other disturbances in the college

5. Unacceptable Behavior
Attempted or actual theft of, and/or damage or caused harm to property of the college, a staff member, other students, or the public
Disruption of teaching, administration, disciplinary proceedings or other college activities or is insubordinate to a Campus staff member
Failing to abide by Academy of Learning:registered: Career College policies
Use of Academy of Learning:registered: Career College facilities and resources for commercial or non-academic purposes
Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any Academy of Learning:registered: Career College premises, unauthorized entry, or unauthorized use of the Campus property
Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs on the Academy of Learning:registered: Career College premises
Selling or knowingly being in possession of dangerous, restricted drugs or narcotics while on the Academy of Learning:registered: Career College premises
Engaging in lewd or indecent disturbances or obscene behaviors on the Academy of Learning:registered: Career College premises
Illegal or unauthorized possession of any weapon(s) on college premises or elsewhere during school-sponsored activity. ‘Weapons’ as defined by the Criminal Code of Canada
Where a student, previously suspended, fails to comply with the rules and/or terms of probation after returning to studies
Violation of federal, provincial or local law on Academy of Learning:registered: Career College premises or elsewhere during sponsored activities
Conduct, which is disorderly, lewd or indecent; breach of peace; aiding, supporting, encouraging, or inducing another person to violate the Student Code of Conduct.
Visitors, such as a friend or family member(s), will be subject to the student’s code of conduct, while visiting the campus. It will be the student’s sole responsibility to inform him/her/them about the policies and consequences.

Other Acts of Misconduct

Information on Supports for International Students

Emergency Services
Call: 911
Local Hospitals
Mental Health Service
Call: 1-877-857-3397

Career Counselling




As an international student you will need to locate appropriate rental accommodations. Academy of Learning Career College does not offer student housing. For information on accommodation please refer to the *list below or contact an International Admission Representative for further information or resources.
*Please note that Academy of Learning Career College is not affiliated with any of the below and cannot guarantee quality or service.
Canada Homestay International 
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that employers are looking for.

Online or In-Class

The ultimate in flexibility – learn online, study on-campus, or both.

Accelerated Programs

Complete your diploma or certificate in 4-12 months.

Recognized Training

All AOLCC programs are licensed and regulated by Alberta Advanced Education.

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