If you’re hoping to transform your career and learn about insurance advising, be prepared for a future in an exciting—and challenging—field. Studying to become an insurance advisor is an exciting journey, and your education will act as the foundation through which your career will be built upon.
However, even for those excited about starting this new journey, there can be many unknowns they might feel worried about. Is completing the program difficult and time-consuming? How challenging is the licensing exam? These are all questions you might have as you begin your studies. Fortunately, the right training program is well-equipped to help you navigate these different aspects. In fact, you might be surprised to know just how supportive and convenient your studies can be!
Here are four things you might not know about insurance advisor courses.
1. AOLCC Helps You Prepare for the Licensing Examination
Writing the provincial licensing examination is an important milestone in working towards a career as an insurance advisor. Of course, completing such an exam can feel intimidating. Fortunately, at Academy of Learning Career College (AOLCC), you’ll get the opportunity to study for the Level 1 Provincial Licensing examination. In fact, AOLCC’s program is the only one in Canada to offer both this type of license exam prep and hands-on training!
In addition, you will write your test through the Professional Development Training Center, which is partnered with AOLCC.
2. You’ll Get Hands-On Experience with Real Insurance Products
Beyond receiving training and preparation for the provincial licensing exam, an insurance advisor program will also give you the opportunity to have real-world experience using insurance products. More specifically, in AOLCC’s program, you’ll get to use quoting software and an insurance database used by professionals across the country. Not only will you be book-smart when it comes to the insurance world, but you’ll also be ready to step into the arena with increased knowledge and confidence once you’ve earned your insurance agent training diploma.

At AOLCC, you’ll get both hands-on training and preparation for your provincial licensing examination
3. Earning Your Insurance Agent Diploma Is Convenient and Easy to Fit Into Your Schedule
If you’re studying to become an insurance advisor at the Academy of Learning Career College, you will do so using the Integrated Learning System. A self-directed method with the assistance and support of an on-site learning coach, the Integrated Learning System allows students to control how quickly they get through the course material, as opposed to passively learning it in traditional, instructor-led classrooms. With ILS, students can take the Insurance Advisor diploma program with some flexibility, allowing them to complete coursework at their own pace over a total length of 23 weeks.
As a result, it’s easy to fit your studies into a busy schedule. If you want to take insurance advisor courses while simultaneously working full-time, this approach offers the flexibility and convenience you might need.
4. The Skills You Learn Can Be Applied to Many Lines of Insurance Work
Another major component of your insurance agent diploma training will be studying to work in several different areas of the industry. Through taking courses on keyboarding, business verbal communication, and customer service—among others—you’ll be well-equipped to look for employment in many different roles. Among the list of possible post-diploma careers, you can pursue include working as an insurance advisor, as an agent or broker, and even as an underwriter, claims assistant, or customer service and sales representative. There are so many possibilities that await after graduation!
Do you want to start a new career in insurance advising?