High schoolers aren’t the only ones who need further education for the sake of advancing their careers. There’s a common misconception that we all graduate from high school, get into a post-secondary program that suits us and do the same job until retirement. But this isn’t the case for most people.
According to research, about 38% of Canadians have made a complete career switch at some point in their lives. To some, the idea of changing careers is intimidating, but after making the switch, 9 out of 10 Canadians say they were happier with their new career. For that reason, if you have a feeling that you need a change in your career, don’t be alarmed, you have plenty of options, and we have the training you’ll need to get you qualified for your dream career.
Look out for these signs to decide whether it’s time to get back to the drawing board and switch up your career.
Train online or on-campus for a job that pays more and means more.
Considering a career change?
1. It May Be Time For a Career Change if Your Job Doesn’t Help You Meet Your Goals
Most people start their careers with a final goal in mind, but things don’t always go according to plan. When you notice that your career isn’t allowing you to get closer to that final goal you have in mind for your life, it could be time to enrol in a career college.
Whether your current role stands between you and the salary you need to lead the sort of life you want, or you don’t feel as though your work is meaningful, you owe it to yourself to pursue a path that better fits the trajectory of your life. The Academy of Learning provides leading career training in business, accounting, the legal field, design, hospitality, healthcare, and education– all lucrative and meaningful vocations that can help you reach your life goals, whatever they are.
2. If You’re Only Working For Money, It Might Be Time to Consider Career College
Of course, the vast majority of us work primarily to earn an income and support ourselves. That being said, since you spend most of your time at work, it would be a shame to completely dislike your job. If you’re finding that the only motivation for getting up in the morning is receiving a paycheck, it might be time to explore more fulfilling options by browsing through our many career college programs. You’ll find that there are plenty of other motivations for going to work in the morning, like improving the lives of others, using your creativity, helping others succeed, and much more–in addition to a great salary!

If you’re just working for a paycheque, it might be time to find a more fulfilling path in career college
3. Feeling Job Insecurity Is a Great Sign It’s Time for a Change
The world is rapidly changing. What was a secure career path just ten years ago could feel rather unstable now. Perhaps all you need is a little upskilling to increase your employability and secure the future of your career. Whatever the case, the Academy of Learning will provide you with all the tools you need for success. With plenty of study options available at our college in Calgary, such as online learning, flexible schedules, financing and more, our priority is to offer the best possible support to our students to deliver them into real-world careers.