If you’re a student at the Academy of Learning, you’re probably already aware of the many benefits of training for a new career. However, have you ever found yourself wishing that someone you know could have the opportunity to change their life path too? Referring a friend could be the motivation they need to start exploring programs to train for a new career. At the Academy of Learning, a variety of programs within lucrative industries help students to build the skills necessary to seamlessly transition into a career upon graduation.
If you know someone who wants to make a transformative change, but doesn’t know where to begin, referring them to AOLCC can help them to access the support they need to take the leap. They’ll be connected with an advisor, who will help them to determine the program that best suits their goals. Below, discover the benefits of referring a friend or family member to AOLCC.
Career College Is Better with Friends
One of the greatest benefits of referring a friend or a family member to the Academy of Learning Career College is that you’ll be getting a built-in support system. By referring a friend, you’ll be able to embark on your career college training journey alongside them, sharing the excitement and challenges that accompany it. You’ll have someone to study with and to motivate you, and together, you’ll both motivate each other to succeed. When you refer a friend or family member, you’ll see your career college experience change for the better.

When you refer a friend to AOLCC, you’ll have someone to study with
Earn $500 for a Referral
Another benefit of referring a friend for enrollment in one of AOLCC’s career college programs is the financial reward that comes with it. When you bring your friend to an admissions appointment and they enroll in a program, you’ll get $500 e-transferred to you directly – and this isn’t a one-time offer. For every friend or family member you refer, you can earn an additional $500. Consider telling someone you love about the Academy of Learning, and see the financial rewards!
Help Those Who Need it Get a Fresh Start
Lastly, referring a friend can be extremely rewarding. The moment when you’re able to share with a friend the benefits of training for a new career and launching a transformative new life path, you’ll also gain the rewarding experience of seeing someone you love discover these benefits too. A referral can help those who feel stuck in an unsatisfying career path to make an impactful change in their lives. Knowing this, why hesitate in telling your friends and family about the Academy of Learning? You can genuinely help them find a more fulfilling future profession with a referral to AOLCC’s career college in Calgary.
Learn more about training with a program at the Academy of Learning Career College!