Keeping organized can be difficult when taking classes online. Without the structure of an in-person class schedule, it can be easy to lose track of deadlines and assignments and become overwhelmed by your responsibilities. If you’re considering taking a career college course online, your success will be enhanced by your ability to stay organized. Building some organizational skills can help you to stick to a consistent schedule, ensuring that you always make time to complete your work..
The moment when you become more organized, not only will you reduce stress surrounding deadlines—but your marks are also likely to improve! Read on to discover five tips to enhance your ability to stay organized throughout your virtual studies.
1. Keep Your Digital Files Organized
When taking career college courses online, much of the work you do will be on your computer. You’ll be submitting assignments online, downloading files and documents, and attending class virtually. For this reason, it’s important to develop a system for organizing your digital files. You can create folders for different courses, and file your projects within these folders. When taking courses online, you may also want to create a file naming system that works for you. That way, you won’t run the risk of losing important assignments, and it will take you much less time to find what you’re looking for on your computer.

When taking career college courses online, keep your digital files organized
2. Make a List of Upcoming Assignments
When you’re in the middle of exam season, it can be difficult to keep track of all of your coursework. In order to stay organized, you can make lists of all of your upcoming assignments. Whether you prefer to use a planner or an online application, keeping a list of your assignments that’s organized by due date and course will help you to ensure that you don’t miss any important deadlines. When everything is written out in front of you, it will also be easier to put aside the time necessary to get it done.
3. Create a Realistic Schedule
A good schedule is essential for success when taking career college programs online. When you have a schedule that accounts for your other commitments in addition to your coursework, you’ll be more likely to carve out the time necessary to work on your assignments. In creating your schedule, it’s important to be realistic. Instead of designating a full day for studying, try spacing out your study time over the course of the week. You might find that by creating a schedule that takes your needs, commitments, and study habits into account, you’ll be able to work more effectively.
4. Keep Your Windows and Tabs in Check
If you’re constantly using your computer for your coursework, the number of tabs and windows you have open will probably increase pretty fast. This can reduce your productivity, especially if you’re searching for that one page and find yourself having to do a deep dive of your whole Internet browser. Throughout the day, you can stay more organized by designating some time to go through your windows and tabs, bookmarking the ones that are important, and closing those you don’t need any more. Not only will this help you to be organized, it will also reduce your stress levels by eliminating unnecessary clutter.
5. Control Potential Distractions
When you aren’t taking classes in-person, it can be easy to become distracted. You might find yourself scrolling through your phone when you should be paying attention to a lecture, or wandering around your house when you should be working. Whatever the case, you’ll be more organized when you can control the distractions around you. Try setting a timed Internet blocker on your phone, or taking designated brakes every thirty minutes. These strategies will both help you to focus and boost your productivity.
Looking for online career colleges in Calgary? Enroll in a program at the Academy of Learning and try out these organizational tips during your studies.
Explore programs at AOLCC’s network of career colleges today.