If you’re not sure you have the funds to afford going back to school, you’re not alone. When it comes to getting the training necessary to embark on a new career path, many cite financial reasons as the primary obstacle holding them back from committing. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many prospective students, preventing them from being able to fill skills gaps and labour shortages throughout the province. However, with the Alberta 2030 initiative, Alberta’s government has recently acknowledged the need for a competitive and skilled workforce to promote economic growth. Given the current lack of professionals with workforce-ready skills, the government is committing to supporting students with government grants in order to support the economy and close the skills gaps.
With the many opportunities held in store thanks to the Alberta 2030 initiative, government funding for career training has become more accessible than ever. The moment when you secure the financial resources necessary to begin training, a transformative new career path lies ahead. Below, find out more about using government grants for your vocational education.
How Can Alberta 2030 Support Career College Students Financially?
The Alberta 2030 initiative, launched in 2021, is a strategy aimed at supporting and enhancing post-secondary education to ensure that students have the skills necessary to enter the workforce and diversify the economy. In doing so, a feature of this initiative is increasing the availability of need-based financial aid for Albertans, helping them to achieve their career goals through vocational training and other work-integrated opportunities for learning. There are a variety of grants available for those who want to invest in their futures and train for an economy-enhancing career. Thus, when you enroll in training with a career college like the Academy of Learning, you’ll be able to access financial resources if you need them.

The Alberta 2030 Initiative will provide those in need with the financial support necessary to enroll in career training
With AOLCC, Get the Support You Need to Apply for Grants
If you’re exploring career college programs, it’s important to note that at AOLCC, you’ll receive the support you need to pay for your studies. Because the Alberta government is focused on adapting to changes within the modern economy, part of this effort also means supporting the post-secondary institutions where students can train for economy-enhancing careers. AOLCC’s experienced staff is well-versed in the type and availability of government grants which students qualify for. Additionally, students will receive support in applying for grants, ensuring that they receive the financial aid they need to complete their studies.
After Career Training, Land a Better Job that Pays More
When you’re able to receive the financial assistance necessary to begin training for a career, you’ll be able to land a job where you earn more in the future. Graduates of AOLCC’s network of career colleges in Calgary possess the skills necessary to enter lucrative industries such as healthcare, business, information technology and more. In fact, AOLCC graduates earn 60% more than the minimum wage on average. Not only will you be earning more as a graduate of career training, but you’ll have a head start in creating a financially healthy future. Without the burden of significant student loans, thanks to government grants, you’ll be able to pave the way for a brighter future with ease.
Get the funding you need to start training with a program at AOLCC.