Many animals are unenthusiastic about going to the vet, which can pose challenges for vets looking to complete the exams and treatments that they need. To make this easier, veterinary administrative assistants are sometimes called on to help in restraining or handling animals. To make sure the animals don’t get scared or upset, it’s important to do this correctly.
Want a few tips for when you need to get hands-on with animals? Here are some of the things that you ought to keep in mind when handling cats and dogs when working as a veterinary administrative assistant.
Most Importantly, Veterinary Administrative Assistants Should Keep Themselves Safe
Most animals behave themselves when they are in a veterinary office, but it’s still important to minimize risk when handling them. Some common advice for handling animals is to avoid putting your face near theirs, to not approach them from behind, and to remain focused on the animal you are handling. Taking these steps will help keep animals calm, and allow you to stay alert to any body language signs that could indicate they are getting stressed.
Your veterinary administrative assistant training at AOLCC will teach you about animal behaviour, and provide important instruction for maintaining workplace safety. Applying this training to your work will help you effectively and safely handle the animals you encounter, and ensure their visits go as smoothly as possible.
When Restraining Animals, Slow, Soothing, & Calm Is Best
Sometimes, it may be necessary to restrain an uncooperative animal after you complete your veterinary office assistant program. If you are assisting with the restraining, there are a few techniques that you can apply to get the most cooperation.
Lowering yourself into a crouch, so that you are closer to the animal’s level, can help calm them, and make them more receptive to you. Speaking in soothing tones, and attempting to beckon the animal to come to you, can also be effective. When necessary, using leashes or carriers can help you move animals in a calm, guided manner.

Good communication skills will help you explain policies to pet owners
Veterinary Administrative Assistants Should Communicate Effectively With Pet Owners
Depending on the veterinary office where you work, the owner of the animal may or may not be welcome to assist in handling or restraining their pet. While a friendly presence can help some animals stay calm, some experts say that owners’ lack of professional training can actually increase the odds of an animal becoming stressed. For these reasons, it is important to verify your workplace’s policy on whether or not pet owners are welcome to assist in handling and restraining their animals and be able to explain that policy to pet owners. This can help you maintain a calm, productive atmosphere when animals need to be restrained, and ensure a high level of safety for all involved in a pet’s care.
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