Community service workers take on a rewarding and challenging role in assisting clients through personal and social difficulties. As a community service worker, you’ll implement a variety of social assistance programs for individuals living with mental health, substance use, or other related issues. But being able to offer sufficient support to others involves being mindful of your own health and wellbeing first.
When you prioritize your mental health, you’re able to work to the best of your abilities and tune into when the responsibilities of your job are affecting your personal life. By implementing good mental health practices from day one, you can create healthy boundaries for yourself, get help when needed, and find confidence and satisfaction in your work. Here’s a closer look at how you can support your own mental health as a community service worker.
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Tap Into Your Social Network After Career College
As a community service worker, you’ll be responsible for administering a variety of social assistance programs and community services. But it’s also important for you to develop your own community support network. Making connections with other people and maintaining a social life is a great way to boost your mood and alleviate any stress in your professional life. Your social network also serves as a good reminder that you are not alone and can give you the confidence you need to perform your job to the best of your abilities.
Those considering career colleges in Calgary will find Canada’s largest career college network at AOLCC. This can become a great resource for those seeking advice from others in similar career pathways or simply wishing to connect with other community service workers.
Take Care of Your Physical Health
The link between physical health and mental health has become increasingly evident in recent years. Staying active is an effective way to alleviate stress, clear your mind, and re-center yourself when you start your job after career college. By exercising on a regular basis, you can make sure that you’re dedicating time to yourself and paying attention to the physical health of your body. Not to mention, physical exercise can help you develop a better daily routine and sleep schedule, which may improve your focus on the job in the long run.

Pay attention to your physical and mental health after graduating from our career college
Make Time for Yourself
Community service workers are empathetic people who often put the needs of others before their own. Just as you invest time and energy in helping others throughout the workday, it’s equally important that you invest that same time in yourself. Personal leisure time is essential for your emotional and mental health. Having activities that help you unwind and disconnect from your work is crucial to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Whether it be reading, yoga, walking in nature, or any other personal activity, it’s important that you find something that positively impacts your mental health. These are all practices that you can develop at AOLCC while working towards your goals in our career college programs.
Know When to Ask for Help
A big part of mental health awareness is knowing when to seek help. As a community service worker, you’ll be assisting clients through family difficulties, mental health, addiction, and more. Some of these areas can be difficult to process and many community service workers can benefit from being able to debrief in a safe space. Seeking the support of your friends and family or the professional support of a therapist encourages you to tune into your own experiences and offers a healthy outlet for your emotions. With good mental health practices, you can work towards greater success in both your personal and professional life.
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Over 100,000 people have found their fresh start through Canada’s largest career college network, Academy of Learning Career College.