Workplaces rely on employee productivity. In fact, no business could function properly without it. As a business management professional, you will possess a great deal of knowledge about how a business should operate, and you will know what it takes to lead and communicate within a team. Your day to day duties might consist of organizing and directing the activities of employees, supervising staff, or ensuring that workflow processes are efficient and effective. In all that you do, a productive environment and attitude amongst employees are essential in ensuring that tasks get done on time, that quality work is being done, and that the business is operating successfully.
So what do you do when you sense that productivity around the workplace is low? How can you motivate employees and increase efficiency? Here are four tips for increasing productivity as a business manager.
After Your Business Management Program, You Can Set Goals for Employees
Setting clear, attainable goals is one of the best ways to boost productivity. When employees know what is expected of them and what they need to accomplish, it will be easier for them to follow through and be productive. One way to ensure productivity through goal-setting is to make sure that these goals are short term. This makes it easier for employees to prepare for what they need to get done. Additionally, you can use your business management training to take advantage of technology that can help employees stay on track. Getting employees set up on a collaborative application that clearly shows employee tasks and deadlines is a great way to ensure that the work gets finished on time.

Setting realistic, short-term goals for employees can boost productivity
Prioritize Feedback
What makes an environment productive? It’s not just employees who really love to work. Employees also tend to be productive when they feel appreciated and valued. In order to maintain productivity, it’s important to recognize an employee’s achievements and give them positive feedback on their work when they deserve it. Employees will appreciate input and guidance. It’s also important to give employees feedback in areas where they could improve. However, ensure that this kind of feedback is constructive so that employees are not discouraged and are instead motivated to improve. When given properly, feedback should enhance productivity in the workplace.
Communicate Clearly
When you become a business manager, it’s important to facilitate beneficial communication practices throughout the workplace in order to increase productivity. Good communication practices include a number of strategies and systems. Ensure that there is a system, or communication channel, in place to distribute information clearly and transparently. The more informed and in the loop employees are, the more motivated they’ll be to contribute to the business and to maintain productivity. Employees should know who to report to within the company, and they should be encouraged to reach out when they have questions or concerns. Open communication encourages honesty and helps employees to become more engaged, which in turn will positively affect their productivity.
Check-in on Employees
After your business management program, if you’ve improved communication within the workplace, given beneficial feedback, and have set goals for your employees, but you’re still not seeing a change in productivity, this may be a sign of a deeper issue. It’s possible that your employees are undergoing stress or experiencing mental health problems as a result of their work. It has been shown that workplace stress can diminish the productivity of employees, and stress can have serious negative effects on employee health and well-being.
Make sure to regularly check in on employees, show them that you care, and encourage good habits such as taking time to recharge, exercising, and eating well. Accounting for and addressing the negative mental health impacts of workplace stress will help your employees to feel valued, and can help them to find a way to gain back their productivity and establish a healthy relationship with the work that they do.
At Alberta’s Academy of Learning Career College, your journey is just beginning. Find your program today.