Intranet systems are private networks enterprises use to manage day-to-day operations, share important company information securely, and collaborate. As the modern workplace becomes more digitized, the need for high-performance intranet systems is growing. If you’re considering a web design career, there’s a good chance that you’ll be required to design and plan an intranet system according to the specific needs of clients. When you keep the following best practices in mind throughout your web design career, you can be confident in your ability to satisfy clients.
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Focus On User Experience (UX) Throughout Your Web Design Career
The success of an intranet system depends on its usability. For this reason, it’s important to be conscious of the consistency of the intranet layout, how intuitive it is to use, how clear and descriptive the labelling is, how efficiently employees can complete their tasks on the intranet system, and the relevance of content on display. When you keep the user experience at the centre of your design process, you’ll save the company time, make vital information more accessible, save money on training for companies, improve employee engagement, foster collaboration, and facilitate good management. That’s a lot of value for companies and their employees! Focus on user experience after web design training to ensure their satisfaction with your work.
Use The Homepage Wisely
Because the homepage of any network system is the first page the user comes into contact with, it can be tempting to overload it with as much content as possible to provide value to employees. That being said, the focus of an effective homepage is navigation. A crowded homepage overwhelms employees and may cause them to waste time searching for the content they’re looking for. Focus on using design principles and clear labeling to make it easy and quick for team members to find exactly what they need. Always consider what aspects of company operations are most important to your client to determine what should take up the most real estate on their homepage.

Setting up a homepage for the company is essential when you become a web designer
Unify Content to Optimize Accessibility
When designing and planning intranet systems for your clients, always keep accessibility in mind. Employees who use an intranet system each day to complete their jobs simply want to have easy access to the tools and resources they need to fulfill their duties. Throughout your web design career, always unify content across the enterprise to establish employees’ trust in the platform as a valuable knowledge bank that they can rely on for all information related to their work. When you do this correctly, you can save companies plenty of money on employee training and development.
Customize Content for the Company and Its Employees
When designing an intranet system, always customize content for the specific needs of your client and their employees. With many companies operating on a global scale, the needs of their team members may differ greatly depending on their geographical location. Needs also vary based on their departments, roles, and what sort of projects they work on. These factors should inform what kind of content you display on the dashboard. Evaluate what matters most to each group of team members and find a way to fit the most relevant content to all groups in one place to optimize the efficiency of everyone’s work.
Our web designer diploma program will prepare you to satisfy customer needs with thorough coverage of professional skills like assessing client needs, layout design, incorporating graphics and interactive elements, customer service, and more. When you become a web designer, you’ll be fully prepared to redefine the workplace for your clients and their teams.